So the Jury awarded a little under 2% of WT's net worth. 1.59bx.02=31.8m
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Want to read the Montana Nunez v. Watchtower Trial Transcript? It's now available to read
by AndersonsInfo inthe trial transcript of nunez v. watchtower (426 pages) has been made available from scaars which is the acronym for a new a 501(c)(4) lobbying corporation, sexual child abuse - advocates for reform and safety (scaars).. .
the scaars corporation was formed october 3, 2018 by barbara anderson and former elder, roger bentley and his wife, karin.
on the home page of the scaars website,, you will find information that explains the goal of the movement - scaars: "changing laws - changing lives.".
Want to read the Montana Nunez v. Watchtower Trial Transcript? It's now available to read
by AndersonsInfo inthe trial transcript of nunez v. watchtower (426 pages) has been made available from scaars which is the acronym for a new a 501(c)(4) lobbying corporation, sexual child abuse - advocates for reform and safety (scaars).. .
the scaars corporation was formed october 3, 2018 by barbara anderson and former elder, roger bentley and his wife, karin.
on the home page of the scaars website,, you will find information that explains the goal of the movement - scaars: "changing laws - changing lives.".
Brokeback Watchtower
I love this part of the trial:
Watchtower's net worth is $1.5 billion dollars with a "b." I can write the full number. It's 1,590,000,000. I'm going to just round it down to save you guys time. So it's 1 billion, 500 million -- I have to make sure I get the numbers correct. It's $1.5 billion. The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses -- and keep in mind when I tell you these numbers, the Judge read them to you as agreed facts because defendants have stipulated to it so you can take it as true. So CCJW, their net worth -- I'm just going to round down to save everybody time -- is $49 million. Now, when you find that somebody acts in malice, punitive damages are appropriate. And the purpose of punitive damages is to punish someone or to deter their conduct. And in a case like this what is important is to send a message to the Jehovah's Witnesses organization that you must obey the law and you cannot ignore the safety of children and expose them to known pedophiles.In order to send that message -- remember, their headquarters are in New York and it's important to send a message from here in Montana that it is loud enough that it will be heard in those office headquarters in New York. Here is the example that I like to give. If you have $100 and I want to get your attention, is taking 10 of those dollars going to get your attention or will it take more than that? Here's why I tell you that. If you take -- I'm just going to put Watchtower New York (indicating). If you just award punitive damages of 14 percent of -- imagine them having $100 and say I'm going 15 to take from you, that is $150 million. Maybe that's enough, maybe it takes more than that but I tell that to you just as a baseline. With CCJW, if you are attempting to get their attention in New York, and you say "I'm going to get your attention with 10 percent of your net worth, 10 out of your $100," that is $4.9 million. You'll be asked during this phase of the trial to determine what amount is a proper amount to send them a message by saying, "When your conduct is in malice, you have to be punished. We don't want you to do this again.
And we don't want others to do the same thing." These (indicating) are the numbers that I think are the minimum for getting somebody's attention and I leave the appropriate amount in your discretion. Thank you, your Honor. THE COURT: Thank you, Counsel.
Want to read the Montana Nunez v. Watchtower Trial Transcript? It's now available to read
by AndersonsInfo inthe trial transcript of nunez v. watchtower (426 pages) has been made available from scaars which is the acronym for a new a 501(c)(4) lobbying corporation, sexual child abuse - advocates for reform and safety (scaars).. .
the scaars corporation was formed october 3, 2018 by barbara anderson and former elder, roger bentley and his wife, karin.
on the home page of the scaars website,, you will find information that explains the goal of the movement - scaars: "changing laws - changing lives.".
Brokeback Watchtower
Spot on! The GB are so dumb. They have to get clunked on the head by "Satan's world"! How long can they can continue to keep this from the R&F? Their secrecy bubble is being popped.
They are totally insensitive jerks, I'm sure this verdict and the huge $$$$ settlements, are sending shock waves through the Watchtower's entire corporate structure. A big change should be forth coming, perhaps in the management structure, and probably to silence these loose cannons that are causing so much financial damage.
I think the Governing Body's hay days are vanishing and it is ruff roads ahead for these totally useless clowns running the whole thing with their bull shit denial, and ever increasing shadow which they project on everybody and every thing.
I'm sure many at Headquarters are getting feed up with these jerks and the legal predicament these assholes are causing by their insane delusions about their place of importance with their imaginary friend corporate Jehover and his careening this way and that magic chariot.
Are the G.B.members really good business people ?
by smiddy3 inif i was an author of a book i think i would be over the moon if i was guaranteed a sale of around 5 million or more books for my work.. the jehovah`s witnesses have over 8 million members plus relatives that are fringe dwellers who come to the memorial once a year ,.
so what a gold mine they have been sitting on as a publishing house .. why didn`t they keep publishing books for the faithful ,they could have even upped the price , and the faithful would have paid especially in prosperous country`s in the west.. they could have milked this venture for years to come as the faithful would have bought anything they would have published .. and their prophets (profits) would have soared ,literally and figuratively for many more years to come ..
Brokeback Watchtower
BBW - do you really think they believe they're God's mouthpiece/earthly org? They like to fool the members they believe that nonsense.
LV, I'm kind of feeling they really do. AM#3 really believes his own bullshit for sure! Rubber mouth Lett is also very self deluded and self righteous, perhaps Herd may have some reservations, the rest it is hard to say I'll guess 50% believe most of their own broadcasting and policies, with a modicum of doubt.
They have to really believe about 90% to make it to being a GB, or else you'll never get chosen. I guess to be a GB member you would have to play very good politics to get that far ahead, so that the driving ambition drives one to gloss over glaring contradictions in ones belief so for that reason believe the majority have fooled themselves because of blind ambition to make it to the top of the hierarchical pyramid. Bad choice to run a business.
Want to read the Montana Nunez v. Watchtower Trial Transcript? It's now available to read
by AndersonsInfo inthe trial transcript of nunez v. watchtower (426 pages) has been made available from scaars which is the acronym for a new a 501(c)(4) lobbying corporation, sexual child abuse - advocates for reform and safety (scaars).. .
the scaars corporation was formed october 3, 2018 by barbara anderson and former elder, roger bentley and his wife, karin.
on the home page of the scaars website,, you will find information that explains the goal of the movement - scaars: "changing laws - changing lives.".
Brokeback Watchtower
Seeing how the Watchtower/Christian Congregation of JW , legal council is giving bad legal advice shouldn't they get their license to practice law revoked?
I'm thinking the shit has hit the fan back at headquarters and their is going to be big changes I'm sure of it, in fact I was sure of it as soon as JW broadcasting said no change in the 2 witness rule will ever happen, from that moment on, because they are haughty misguided idiots for all the world/courts/juries/lawyers to see(stupid broadcasts that make themselves targets for big awards in court). Let them get more and more of these type of losses till they go belly up perhaps, but I think a move is under way to get these idiots on the Governing Body out of power, if they want to save it from tremendous financial losses due to some Faithful and Discreet Slave bullshit these idiots drunk with power have going on.
Save the corporation, depose of the despotic Governing Body of, stupid hooligans, G.O.D. and what not delusional nonsense.
Are the G.B.members really good business people ?
by smiddy3 inif i was an author of a book i think i would be over the moon if i was guaranteed a sale of around 5 million or more books for my work.. the jehovah`s witnesses have over 8 million members plus relatives that are fringe dwellers who come to the memorial once a year ,.
so what a gold mine they have been sitting on as a publishing house .. why didn`t they keep publishing books for the faithful ,they could have even upped the price , and the faithful would have paid especially in prosperous country`s in the west.. they could have milked this venture for years to come as the faithful would have bought anything they would have published .. and their prophets (profits) would have soared ,literally and figuratively for many more years to come ..
Brokeback Watchtower
I would say at this late stage of the game that this current GB are probably the most delusional and out of touch with reality. I see it as the longer they indulge in this fantasy of being God's earthly organization, the more delusional and the nuttier the GB should become right up until they go completely bankrupt. So expect the unexpected I think their insanity will shake even the most loyal JWs, we may even see a break up in the GB authority as members in high places do the best they can to bump these psychos out of control as GOD(guardians of doctrine).
A no confidence vote by important members could also come about. Don't the GB have to answer to share holders of their corporation? Why not get a reforming of the whole management as money drain continues? If they don't get these guys off the steering wheel of God chariot they are headed for total oblivion and much suffering for all the higher ups and their comfortable lifestyle.
Was disfellowshipping really sanctioned by God? Please share your honest views according to your Bible views
by Strugglingrsa inwhat were the writers of the bible telling christians when they wrote : “stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.” (1 corinthians 5:11) regarding everyone who “does not remain in the teaching of the christ,” we read: “do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.
for the one who says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works.” (2 john 9-11.
Brokeback Watchtower
If you read the bible with the assumption that everything in it is the word of God, you will gloss over many inconsistencies seen in the word's of Paul and those ascribed to Jesus. In Paul letters to the Corinthians, Paul lords over the whole group. It's seems to be the talking's of a madman which he acknowledges but proceed that way unimpeded.
2Cor. 11:23
Are they servants of Christ?-- I speak as if insane-- I more so; in far more labors, in far more imprisonments, beaten times without number, often in danger of death.
Paul had some serious shit going on in his frontal lobes that made him have awesome visions that made him feel really special. It's symptom of this form of epilepsy to have great thoughts about one's self and mission in life in other words: a real over the top fanatic. So take with a grain of salt anything Paul says in his black and white thinking and appointment from Jesus to be somebody special,, it's frontal lobe epilepsy nothing more.
Was disfellowshipping really sanctioned by God? Please share your honest views according to your Bible views
by Strugglingrsa inwhat were the writers of the bible telling christians when they wrote : “stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.” (1 corinthians 5:11) regarding everyone who “does not remain in the teaching of the christ,” we read: “do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.
for the one who says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works.” (2 john 9-11.
Brokeback Watchtower
Paul was a fanatical Pharisee, who got converted by a vision brought on by temporal lobe epilepsy. Jesus never encourage judging your neighbor and shunning people who don't comply to your religious ideas. Paul is the one being fanatical and judgmental in these verses with a holier than though persona.
Are the G.B.members really good business people ?
by smiddy3 inif i was an author of a book i think i would be over the moon if i was guaranteed a sale of around 5 million or more books for my work.. the jehovah`s witnesses have over 8 million members plus relatives that are fringe dwellers who come to the memorial once a year ,.
so what a gold mine they have been sitting on as a publishing house .. why didn`t they keep publishing books for the faithful ,they could have even upped the price , and the faithful would have paid especially in prosperous country`s in the west.. they could have milked this venture for years to come as the faithful would have bought anything they would have published .. and their prophets (profits) would have soared ,literally and figuratively for many more years to come ..
Brokeback Watchtower
The Governing Body have a very filled Shadow(Jungian) to which they project onto apostates, other religions, governments and so forth. Everything negative they cast upon others in their publication(for all to see) and is really an indication of how deep and dark their own collective shadow really is(these projections).
So they will continue to make more and more bad business moves unless they confront their shadow(with help from a very good psychologist whom they in publication, despise). They have all these projections they have to withdraw and it would be very cathartic, not to say extremely painful.
Then and only then once they bite the bullet and will they really know what to do with all this property.
Awakening Is About Letting Go, By Alan Watts
by Brokeback Watchtower ini like listening to alan casually, and sometimes i will focus on what he says, but i find very good for some back round noise, not in anyway i am saying i take trivially,, i think he is very educated on what he speaks about, so for that reason i choose him and others to make up some back round noise and perhaps some small revelations may come to me while half listening to people i think got good things to relate and because the senses are much more stronger for the unconscious by 50:1. so while you are doing other things why not listen.
or really give this attention it's your choice..